
Best crosswords in newstand magazine
Best crosswords in newstand magazine

best crosswords in newstand magazine

Dakota Fanning's sister who starred in "Super 8".Its January 2020 cover featured Beyonce.First name of Dakota Fanning's actress sister.First name in supermodeling, or the magazine that bears her name.Business partner of Naomi Christy and Claudia.Britney is their October 2005 cover subject.Character Woods who invented the "bend and snap".Fashion magazine with more than 40 international editions.No new national newspapers have appeared on the newsstands. The Sun outscored the Times by the smallest. And that winner is, by a score of 432 to 419: The New York Sun crossword. Fashion magazine with a palindromic name A newsstand is a stall in the street or a public place, which sells newspapers and magazines. Enough qualifying remarks: This is America, dammit, and people want a winner.Fashion magazine with a name that means "she".Fashion magazine with a name that means "she" in French.Fashion magazine whose title means "she" in French.Fashion magazine whose title is French for "her".Fashion magazine whose name translates as "she".Fashion magazine whose name sounds like a letter.Fashion magazine whose name is French for "she".Fashion magazine that was founded in France in 1945.Fashion magazine that means "she" in French.Fashion magazine that can be read from back to front?.Fashion magazine originally from France.French-owned (and French-titled) fashion magazine.French fashion magazine with a palindromic name.International magazine founded in France in 1945.Actress Dakota Fanning's actress sister._ Woods (Reese Witherspoon's role in "Legally Blonde")._ Style Awards (annual honors since 1997).


_ Driver (Daryl Hannah's role in "Kill Bill").Possibly related crossword clues for " Glamour rival"īased on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related to Glamour rival: Matching Crossword Puzzle Answers for "Glamour rival"īelow is the complete list of answers we found in our database for Glamour rival: If you are stuck trying to answer the crossword clue " Glamour rival", and really can't figure it out, then take a look at the answers below to see if they fit the puzzle you're working on. We found 1 answers for this crossword clue.

best crosswords in newstand magazine

If you're looking for all of the crossword answers for the clue " Glamour rival" then you're in the right place.

Best crosswords in newstand magazine